Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Measure Customer Satisfaction to Increase Engagement and Prevent Churn

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It's Not Just Some Score

Customers give you the context

Step 1: Add NPS code to your app

Write a small piece of code to identify users

Step2: Configure when NPS widget will show up

Configure when NPS widget will show up

Step 3: Collect NPS scores

Check your Feedback Inbox

Proactively Prevent Churn

Low NPS score can be a leading indicator to customer churn, act ahead of time.

Improve User Engagement

Increase trust and engagement by showing you listen and address user feedback. 

Increase Customer Retention

Higher feature usage and adoption can often correlate with lower customer churn.

Start a Survey with NPS widget

You can show NPS feedback widget when it you want.

Easy installation and usage

You simply generate an installation code in your ProdCamp account and insert it into your page <body> tag, add an attribute to any button you want to activate the widget and "Voilà"!

Changelog widget Installation
<script>!function(t,e,a,n){function o(){if(!e.getElementById(a)){var t=e.getElementsByTagName(n)[0],o=e.createElement(n);o.type="
if("function"!=typeof t.ProdCamp){var c=function(){c.args.push(arguments)};c.p="{your_product_id}",

     ProdCamp('initNPSWidget', {
         email: '',
         company: {
           name: "Corporation Y",
           revenue: 1000
         firstName: 'John',
         lastName: 'Doe',

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NPS?

NPS is a business metric measuring customer engagement and satisfaction

How is NPS different from CSAT?

Changelogs and release notes have very similar, if not the same functionality, hence the words are often used interchangeably. In the past, changelogs were commonly associated with software development and the release of technical details, while release notes would provide more context behind the changes. Our changelog tool can be used to produce release notes or changelogs.

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